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Qualcomm believes in 10 Windows for ARM devices

Who would say that after the failure of Windows RT would become to speak of a version of Windows for ARM devices. But it is as well, and while semiconductor manufacturers as MediaTek will see no future, others such as Qualcomm rely on it will be different.

As you will remember, Microsoft and Qualcomm have worked together in a system of emulation allowing equipment ARM with 10 Windows to run applications x 86. In an interview with PC World, Vice President of Qualcomm, Keith Kressin, product management said.

Contrary to what you might think, the response to the combination between Windows 10 and 835 Snapdragon processor would be positive by manufacturers, including Dell and HP, who have forgotten failure involving Windows RT a few years ago.

To avoid a disaster as such, the idea is to work in what the site calls “Cellular PC”, based on phones with the Snapdragon 835 for further improving the performance of Windows 10 in ARM devices, thinking that they will always be connected to the internet and they must be offered a good autonomy.

“The aim is to carry out something credible, show people why it is different from RT. Show that it is Windows 10 – and that is not a second version of Windows 10 “, in the words of Kressin. In addition, would have advantages over computers with processors x 86 and endure the same technologies.

Because originally the processor Snapdragon 835 is geared towards mobile devices, offering LTE connectivity, support for Bluetooth 5 and modem for wireless connections. Likewise, it supports the most common interfaces, such as USB ports.

One of the doubts surrounding the launch of these ARM devices with Windows is on its price, which Kressin, they will not be extremely cheap, but not expensive. I.e., they should be affordable and its price will vary depending on the equipment settings imposed by its manufacturer.

The launch of the mentioned “mobile PCs” will be gradual and will begin this year, with a view to a further deployment in 2018 and 2019. “It’s a stroke patient in the market, and the establishment of a new value proposition” to make sure that people understand what they are and what they really.

Since the 835 Snapdragon is capable of running applications x 86, but not so robust and much less game oriented to more powerful hardware, 10 Windows on ARM devices has potential, but certainly over future of which had Windows RT.

On the other hand, Krissin spoke about the possibility that exists that Snapdragon 835 enhances the Holographic Microsoft Windows platform that has as a great exponent of Intel. Being based on Windows 10, everything can be possible, but Redmond have the last word.

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