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Facebook “scam” companies with advertising audience data


Facebook is the dark side of the internet is evident, while Zuckerberg plans to clean his image and that of your business with multitude of charitable efforts, the reality is that few companies in the world of internet play so dirty your letters are known. This time we won’t talk about privacy or for sale data, this time the victims were enterprises, which have received false information for the display of advertising videos for more than two years. In this way, an important plot data inflated with the intention of “meet” the eye of the managers of the contracting companies marketing is uncovered.

Fayerwayer team made echo the plot discovered by The Wall Street Journal once more. And Facebook has been lying to users and businesses concerned that for two years have been paying for advertising in the form of video content, since the hearings detection algorithm was much less distorted. We have a system similar to the Volkswagen with the pollution, providing data to keep happy those in charge of regulating the system, while the reality was far enough to what we were.

How was the plot of Facebook with the visualizations?


Such problems arise when that is selling you the service, also sells you results. Facebook algorithm counts as “seen” any video playback time of result more than three seconds. The key is evident, in just three seconds you can not get no conclusion of advertising content, brand or even the message that you want to send. In this way, sand artificially increased the average of reproduction of users between 60% and 80%.

All this cobra much more sense if remember, that Facebook has activated by defect it reproduction automatic of all them videos in your version web, application of iOS and application of Android, by what many of these videos are played during more than three seconds without the need of that the user that the system has accounted as audience has or so even set his pupil in the same in fact, it is likely that you have ignored it or has been playing as the user read other content, such as a Facebook status that just below or just above it. Makin’ magic, so Facebook offers businesses some spectacular marketing results, but which do not conform with reality.

Facebook defends and specialized media attack

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It has not taken too much Facebook in tone to the particular “mea culpa”, however, has offered no reward any affected users. We can understand, on the other hand, the possibility of certain companies to begin a legal proceeding for the reparation for the damage suffered, however, can be counterproductive, because the popular shame having left a swindle by a company like Facebook, or worse, have not implemented measures to verify some audience data that had been receiving in the last two years.

Know how long a video is displayed it is key for companies to decide or not to invest their ads on this network. But some firms already began to show their anger by this desprolijidad: for example, the French multinational half Publicis has written to clients outlining the problem, and considering that “two years of reports with inflated numbers is something unacceptable – Digital economy»

Facebook continues to reap hatred, and if most of the users already had earned it is (despite the unit continue using the social network), it has now made against brands that are advertised. However, we have a relationship of mutual dependence, since there are many companies that are the cornerstone of its representation in the networks on Facebook. Could apply is perhaps here the maximum of “who steals to a thief, one hundred years of forgiveness”.

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